
Indonesian startup Mycotech from Bandung

visit: MYCOTECH<

By researching and producing composite building materials from vegetable waste using low technology that bind with mushroom mycielia, we address a range of economic, environmental and socio-cultural issues, bring together material and bio-engineers and architects, and propagate an integrated system of crop cultivation and crop waste management. We promote a multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving that ensures a transfer of knowledge across various disciplines in an investigative framework.

Indonesian farmers reaping social media rewards with the help of 8Villages

visit the site of 8villages

Indonesian farmers reaping social media rewards
By Karishma Vaswani BBC News, Kadaka Jaya, Indonesia

Indonesia is an economy on the move these days - and fast becoming one of the most technology-savvy countries in Asia.


Kenali|Rangkai|Pakai (recognize I Bundle I Use) or abbreviated KRP is an independent community that was formed with purpose of conducting various project to development types of instrument or media-based art. Media in this condition, its not only from music development, but also include visual, lighting, and artistic. KRP concern of applied technology on variety of arts, this can be made independently from artist.

MobileKitchenLab, Yogyakarta

With "Hacking Angkringan" we want to achieve a unique interaction between the kitchen, the lab, MobileKitchenLab and the street. Kitchens are privileged spaces, where our research into what is the world made of and how matter relates to our stomach and body not only originated but also from where it developed into present day labs.

The House of Natural Fiber | yogyakarta new media art laboratory

It starts as a young community, with various backgrounds and ideals. They want to do whatever they wish, but with a natural inclination to create by the spirit of togetherness. There is no ambition to work simply for personal profit. They create for themselves, their family, and their environment. This is the basis for the first actions and commitment between them. Visit HONF.

Taylor Kuffner: The Gamelatron

"A lasting relic of our human cultural heritage"

To hear Aaron Taylor Kuffner describe his time spent living in Indonesia, playing gamelan became a consuming way of life. "For more than two years I ate, dreamed and woke playing various forms and instruments of the gamelan tradition," shares Taylor, of the period he spent playing for more than 40 hours a week.